Planatar Fasciitis/ Heel Pain Syndrome
What is it?
Inflammation of the tendon plantar fascia caused by excessive wear to the plantarfascia or by a biomechanical fault from abnormal pronation of the foot/ feet
What causes it?
- Any of the following…
- Overweight
- Weight gain
- Use of flip flop shoes or non-lace up footwear
- Sports / running
- Tight gasctrocnemius/ soleus muscles
- High heels
- Change in training
- Decreased flexibility due to normal aging process
- Common in people between the ages of 30-60
How do i fix it?
- Make an appointment to see either Louise or Amy at Barefeet Podiatry
- Approximately 80% of our patients enter our practice with this problem
- Pain reduction can be achieved immediately!
How does Barefeet Podiatry fix it?
- Sports strapping, this reduces the pain immediately
- Gastrocnemius/ soleus stretching daily
- Change in footwear
- After podiatry treatment, rolling a frozen water bottle under your arch (the coolness reduces the inflammation and the rolling stretches the arch area)
- Orthotic management (either custom orthoses or off-the-shelf orthotics, we sell both!)
Will it go away without treatment?
- Sometimes, yes
- However our patients come to us for expert arch/ heel pain management as it has not resolved within a month by itself
Will it come back?
- That is why Louise and Amy address the cause at the first appointment to eliminate the chance or recurring pain
What do I do now?
Make an appointment with Louise or Amy at Barefeet Podiatry on 8209 1719.
Enjoy a pain free life!